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View® by HST Recognized as Top Product of the Year in Environment + Energy Leader 2023 Awards

View® by HST Recognized as Top Product of the Year in Environment + Energy Leader 2023 Awards

HST Technologies (HST), a leading clean energy platform provider, is proud to announce that its clean energy platform, View®, has been honored with the prestigious Top Product of the Year Award in the 2023 Environment + Energy Leader Awards program. The Awards program aims to commend excellence in products and projects that deliver significant energy and environmental benefits.  HST launched View® in 2016 to scale clean energy development by addressing common inefficiencies in the industry. Leveraging HST’s patented search algorithms,…

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HST Announces DNV Investment and Partnership

HST Announces DNV Investment and Partnership

HST is happy to announce that DNV Ventures, the venture arm of DNV, joined our cap table alongside leading investors Addition, VoLo Earth Ventures, Storm Ventures, Intelis Capital, and others. Our partnership with DNV includes a deepening collaboration to facilitate grid-scale carbonization. Clean energy developers who use View® can now book meetings with DNV teams via the DNV Ecosystem portal within the View® platform. DNV’s technical expertise and track record can help developers manage their risk more effectively. After syncing…

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The Clean Energy Economy and the Inflation Reduction Act

The Clean Energy Economy and the Inflation Reduction Act

The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a landmark legislation in the U.S. decarbonization and climate resilience efforts – on a much larger scale than any other climate measures in the past. The IRA brings hope for a healthy environmental future here in the U.S. With goals such as lowering the cost of clean energy through improving the stability of solar tax credits for developers, and empowering communities and businesses to build up a clean energy economy, this legislative…

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3 Policy Implications of 2021’s Georgia Election Results

3 Policy Implications of 2021’s Georgia Election Results

We’re excited about what’s in store for sustainability over the next few years with the recent Senate race results and the incoming Administration. We look forward to hearing about your thoughts on what the next Administration and the new Congress means for sustainability and clean energy. Here are some of ours: President-Elect Joe Biden’s victory will reshape the U.S. energy sector in the coming administration, and will likely set an example for how global clean energy can be deployed in economies…

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Find LCOE with HST’s Renewable Energy Marketplace

Find LCOE with HST’s Renewable Energy Marketplace

Why Energy Development Needs Search If you are in the business of clean energy development, you have a lot on your plate. HST understands this. The company was founded by former solar developers who are intimately familiar with the process of PPAs, site selection, interconnection, permitting, solar PV design, and solar PV Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC). They also hired executives and staff from Tesla (TSLA), Sunpower (SPWR), Jinko (JKS), Trina Solar (TSL), and EPCs, among others, to contribute to…

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VPPA vs. PPA Explained: Main Benefits & Disadvantages

VPPA vs. PPA Explained: Main Benefits & Disadvantages

Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (vPPAs): A Viable Method to Decarbonize your Footprint. As we mentioned in previous articles, vPPAs can be insured or uninsured depending on your level of risk tolerance. They allow you to guarantee that a project developer will have a fixed stream of cash flows so that they can get their project financed and built. In turn, they guarantee Renewable Energy Certificates for every MWh the project produces during your contract period, giving you a simple way to…

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Why Are Virtual PPA’s Gaining Momentum So Quickly?

Why Are Virtual PPA’s Gaining Momentum So Quickly?

The virtual power purchase agreement (vPPA) has a substantial role in enabling off-site clean energy procurement. We wanted to explain to renewable energy buyers how the vPPA works and what has made it so popular. Uninsured PPAs: If you’re looking to procure wholesale energy, you may come across the vPPA as an off-site power purchase agreement (PPA) mechanism: A virtual power purchase agreement (PPA) is simply a type of PPA where the energy buyer does not own the physical electrons…

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